For my first project as a second year undergraduate, I created branding and promotion of the 'Future Film Forum' festival in London, including; an A2, a trip-fold brochure and an animated gif. I wanted this to have a feeling of awakening for the young talent in the cinema industry, using a sunset colour palette to demonstrate this, alongside a cinema clapper board as the main imagery used throughout the brand.

The final A2 poster for the film festival, with the information incorporated into the clapper board as if the director had scribbled it on with a whiteboard marker 

The images above, show some of the journey for the poster and festival imagery. This began with some sketches of some classic cinematic imagery; popcorn, tickets etc, before deciding on the clapperboard. This felt more appropriate for a film festival that was focused around new movie directors. As the festival is in London, I took the oppurutity to include a recognisable skyline in the classic black and white stripes of the director board. This was a challenge, making sure the physics of it all lined up, so that the skyline would appear to slot perfectly into the space that would decend onto it. The colour went through many iterations but utlailtry the baby blue felt too child friendly for a festival that would not be suitable for children , and the red seemed too horror themed or romantic.

Above: The animated gif to advertise the event on social platforms. This was my first project created in Adobe AfterEffects, and although amateurish, it accomplished what was required from the brief.

Below :The layout of the A3 programme, unfolded. This fell slightly under A3 dimensions so that the leaflet could be comfortably accordian folded. This would follow the same theme as the previous 2 deliverables. I found fitting all the information into the singular a3 document very challenging but after incorporating an effective hierarchy and style sheets, it all felt into place nicely.

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